Alexis Golden's Triple Celebration Day
June 15 is a very special day for Super MILF Alexis Golden. "A lot is happening on June 15 that I want to share with everyone" Alexis said. "Three major things in fact."

Golden has been busy working on re-launching her Reality MILF site. "I've been online since June 15 2006 so the first major event is the Ten Year Anniversary of my site.

To honor that I'm re-launching my completely re-designed web site on June 15" Alexis added. "So many sites come and go I'm proud to have thrived for TEN years! I would have to owe it to my site being a Reality Site about what I really enjoy doing."

In addition to the launch of her remodeled site, Special Event #2 is Alexis doing her very first Web Cam show with Vette Nation Live. "I would only do Web Shows with the very best and Vicky Vette has given me the opportunity to be involved with her group, so I'm excited for the shows," Golden shared.

"Last but not least the 3rd big event on June 15 is My Birthday! So in addition to the Web Show and the Launch of the new site I'm going to have some birthday cake too!" Alexis continued, "I'm inviting everyone to my first Web Show to celebrate my birthday! Come see me!"

You can visit Alexis at: Site members get full access to the VNA Live Web Shows of all the girls in the VNA. Pre-launch discount join rates are now available.

You can always keep up with Alexis at her Blog: and her website

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