The Renegade Bondage Collection
NS Novelties announces the launch of Renegade Bondage, a stylish and sexy collection of BDSM accessories, featuring durable, vinyl items designed with a strong masculine aesthetic for both master and servant.

“Excitement for our new Renegade Bondage Collection has been tremendous," NS Novelties' Lavi Yedid said. "It's a very attractive and rugged line, sharply packaged, eye-catching, and, of course, durable and comfortable. What we have here is a BDSM collection that inspires men's adventurous side and allows for them to experiment safely and look good doing so."

The Renegade Bondage Collection includes Ball Gag, Blindfold, Collar and Leash, Wrist and Ankle Cuffs, Hogtie, Whip, and Paddle. All items are made of heavy duty, easy-to-clean vinyl and include neoprene lining for maximum comfort. Velcro enclosures allow for quick and effortless secure and release action. Renegade Bondage currently features eight SKUs with MSRPs ranging approximately from $10 to $20.

Andy Powell of noted LGBT and B2B website JRL Charts said, "The Renegade Bondage Collection delivers on design, stamina, stimulation, and is a true asset to the BDSM marketplace for both retail bottom profits and consumer satisfaction. A must-stock for retail."

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